south wakamao shores

Courtesy NCC

Map provides approximate location.

South Wakomao Shores

Lake Wakomao, AB

Nature Conservancy of Canada – 2021

113 hectares

Property Description

Located just east of the Village of Clyde, in Westlock County, the 113-hectare South Wakomao Shores property is on the south shore of Wakomao Lake. This shallow lake features 5 kilometers of marshy shoreline habitat surrounded by a patchwork of forests, shrublands, and wetlands. The striking and varied landscape supports a rich diversity of wildlife representative of Alberta’s boreal forests.

The conservation of this land has long been a dream for the Parrent family, which has stewarded South Wakomao Shores for four generations. With the help of the MapleCross Fund, the Nature Conservancy of Canada has been able to work with the Parrent family to conserve this property for the long-term.

The wetlands and shoreline provide excellent breeding and stopover habitat for migratory birds, including waterfowl, raptors, and songbirds. Several species of mammal thrive on the property, including mule deer, moose, elk, black bear and the American badger, a sensitive species in Alberta.

The wetlands on this property are important not only for the habitat they provide for species, but also because they capture carbon, filter nutrients, and store water, helping to reduce the impacts of both flooding and drought scenarios.

This project is evidence of an increasing focus on preserving natural landscapes within Alberta’s aspen parkland and boreal fringe. This area, where aspen parkland to the south transitions to boreal forest in the north, supports significant biodiversity despite having experienced extensive land conversion and other human impacts. The property expands on conservation work already done in the north central region of Alberta establishing a robust conservation network in the North Saskatchewan Watershed and sub watersheds.

Content and property pictures courtesy of: Nature Conservancy of Canada.

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