
Credit Isobel Ralston

Map provides approximate location.


Robsart, SK

Nature Conservancy of Canada – 2022

390 hectares

Property Description

Grasslands are one of the rarest and most at-risk ecosystems in the world and are a critical part of Saskatchewan. They filter our water, help prevent flooding and droughts, sequester carbon and, for thousands of years, have provided sustenance for humans. They are also vital stopover sites for migratory birds and provide habitat for waterfowl and species at risk.

Located just south of the hamlet of Robsart in southwestern Saskatchewan, the Rangeview property contains 521 hectares of rolling grasslands and wetlands, including seasonal creeks and riparian areas. The property and surrounding area provide habitat to many different species of plants and animals, including several listed as threatened, under Canada’s Species at Risk Act, including chestnut-collared longspur, common nighthawk, ferruginous hawk, Sprague’s pipit and swift fox.

The Rangeview property was secured in early 2022, adding to a suite of conservation properties in the area, including the Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area, which is six kilometres to the east. These properties are helping to conserve native grasslands and the rich biodiversity found in the region.

“The benefits of grasslands and wetlands in helping to mitigate climate change are becoming increasingly recognized. MapleCross is very enthusiastic about the NCC acquisition of Rangeview, thereby helping to secure more of these ecologically significant features in the prairie provinces. Rangeview is our sixth investment with NCC in the prairies, and our second in Saskatchewan.” – Isobel Ralston and Jan Oudenes, founders of the MapleCross Fund

Content and property pictures courtesy of Nature Conservancy of Canada.

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