Credit Ulrike Kuprath
Map provides approximate location.
MapleCross Ridge Nature Reserve
Kemble, ON
Bruce Trail Conservancy – 2019
41 hectares
Property Description
The 41-hectare MapleCross Ridge Nature Reserve is in the community of Kemble outside Owen Sound and significantly expands our conservation impact in the area. Together with the adjacent Kemble Rock and Kemble Wetland Nature Reserves – recently created with donor support – it establishes a remarkable 178 hectares of contiguous preserved land, securing a total of 4 km of the Bruce Trail.
We are particularly excited when a new Nature Reserve such as this can foster connectivity of protected land in this way. In southern Ontario, where land is increasingly fragmented by roads and development, large uninterrupted habitats are particularly important for wildlife movement, biodiversity, and the ecological services we depend on.
We also have the opportunity with this acquisition to restore and retain the ecological health of the forests, which have been selectively logged in recent years. Now that the land is in our care, we will bring our experience as land stewards, using best forest management practices, to this crucial task. The new name of this nature reserve, MapleCross Ridge, was chosen by generous leaders at MapleCross, who provided significant funds in the acquisition of this property.
Content and property pictures courtesy of Bruce Trail Conservancy.